The neighbourhood Easyday stores cater to the day to day needs of a family whereas Easyday Market is for home-makers that offers everything under one roof. Currently Bharti Retail has stores in Punjab and Haryana.
“People want more for every rupee they spend. They want more savings on their purchases and Bharti Retail makes it possible for them to do so. We have managed to build trust with our customers, and we are confident of repeating that with every new store we open in future,” said Vinod Sawhney, president and COO, Bharti Retail.
Meanwhile, he informed that the company got very good customer response and was upbeat throughout the season.
As part of its corporate social responsibility, Easyday stores employ people from the local communities where it operates. Bharti Retail also offers unique opportunities to untapped workforce viz meat sellers, fruits and vegetable vendors, housewives, retired people, school and college drop outs and self employed persons.
Further, Easyday stores also employ physically challenged people, the initiative that helps Bharti Retail achieve its objective of facilitating inclusive growth in communities in which it operates its stores.
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